By Carrie Halperin and Raquel Thompson
In Congress and on the international stage, efforts to legislate limits to carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions that are linked to global warming ran into boycotts and disagreement last week, with the chances of final passage and reform still unclear.
In Congress, supporters of reform are trying to pass a bill that reduces dependence on foreign oil, increases national security, and puts America on the path towards a carbon free economy, which would help tackle the global climate problem. They are also trying to create legislation that could be used as a negotiating jumping off point in Copenhagen three weeks from today.
Last week seven Senate republicans on the Environment and Public Works committee boycotted the final three days of debate that aimed to mark-up the bill last week - refusing even to come to the table to join the negotiations.
Rejecting the need for additional economic analysis, the remaining 12 Democrats passed the bill Thursday by a vote of 11 to 1. The only no vote came from Democratic Senator Baucus of Montana who cited concerns he had with the bill were not fully addressed as reason for his vote.
The other boycott
Representatives from 181 nations met in Spain to negotiate a climate change agenda for the December 7-18 meeting in Copenhagen.
There were three major issues identified and argued from the Barcelona meetings: rich nations have to set meaningful targets for emissions reductions; poor countries have to pledge their own reductions; and a system must be established for rich nations to pay poor nations to help them adapt to climate change.
At the session last week, nearly 50 African nations walked out of the final round of international negotiations demanding that more of the remaining time in the week-long discussions be devoted to addressing the commitments in CO2 emissions reductions to be pledged by the developed countries.
"It is not in our interest to stop discussions -we cannot do that. But, we must make a standpoint, because we don't want a raw deal," said Makase Nyaphisi Coordinator and Chair of a group of the world's 49 Least Developed Countries within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
An agreement was reportedly reached in Spain that ameliorated the African Nations and allowed negotiations to continue after a 24-hour halt.
More than 190 countries are attempting to come to consensus on the details of a new international climate treaty that will restrain global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned the current of path of emissions will likely lead to a six-degree temperature increase by the end of the century, which correlates to widespread droughts, severe and erratic weather patterns, acidification of the oceans, and rising sea levels.
The contested treaty aims to achieve the 2-degree goal by having all parties sign up to curb emissions in the near and long-term according to the principle of common and differentiated responsibility. U.S. domestic climate legislation is considered integral to the ability to negotiate a strong international treaty, which is due to be finalized in Copenhagen next month.
The international community is looking at the U.S. to come to the table prepared to agree to emissions targets. And the Obama administration does not want to repeat the Clinton-era mistake of signing onto a treaty, like they had in Kyoto, that didn't have the support at home to be ratified.
US vote perceived internationally
It has been widely reported that it is growing increasingly unlikely that there will not be a climate bill in time for meetings the December climate negotiations.
This puts the administration in the embarrassing position of coming to the table at Copenhagen empty-handed.
Others are slightly more hopeful such as Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden who has said the emissions bill being debated by a key US Senate committee was "going in the right direction" but was "not as lengthy as we would hope."
The Authors of the Senate’s legislation are slightly more optimistic, "I think this is a great signal for Copenhagen that there's a will to do what it takes to advance this issue," committee Chairman Barbara Boxer told reporters after her panel voted.
The Road ahead
In the days ahead, six committees in total must submit their drafts of their climate bill before it receives a full vote in the Chamber. The Environment and Public Works Committee bill will merge with legislation approved earlier this year by the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, as well as drafts from the Agriculture, Commerce, Finance and Foreign Relations panels.
As for international negotiations, climate talks in Barcelona ended with "progress less than desirable," said John Ashe, chair of one of the two main working groups.
"We are still optimistic that maybe magic will happen and we will be able to reach an agreement," the Chinese negotiator said on the final day of talks in Barcelona.
Next month's meeting in Copenhagen represents the culmination of the two-year process of international negotiators and world leaders working together to hammer out a new international climate regime. The chair urged negotiators to continue working in the 30 days between now and then.
On Friday the EPA sent over its endangerment finding to the President’s office.
And this week Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon made his way to Washington to lobby members of Congress to pass legislation of the Climate Bill.